10 page research paper on sex trafficking bluebook citations see description
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Sex Trafficking
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Order Paper NowSex trafficking is a crime in which women, men, and children are forcefully involved in commercial sex acts. In the United States, a child or a minor under the age of 18 years engaged in commercial sex is considered a sex trafficking victim under the U.S laws. Sex traffickers often take advantage of the indigenous population who dwell in abject poverty as well as economically marginalized population and exploit them sexually. Most of the commercial sex victims lack the knowledge of their rights and access to basic amenities such as education and thus become more vulnerable to sex trafficking. Many at times, individuals from the vulnerable communities are given false promises of a job offer in overseas countries but end up being sold to perform commercial sex activities. Some sex traffickers operate in known dating companies and agencies that deal with global dating services. These traffickers often recruit young women and girls with a false promise of job offers as models, nannies, dancers, and waitresses. These women end up being exploited sexually through forced commercial sex.
Thesis Statement
Sex trafficking is a modern-day slavery that has to be handled on a cooperative international level to combat and bring those responsible into the book and make a progressive change.
Why this topic is important
Sex trafficking has become one of the fast growing forms of criminal enterprise not only in the United States but also within a global scope. As a result of abject poverty that is striking most population around the globe, many sex traffickers have seen an opportunity to take advantage of the vulnerable population and lure them into commercial sex activity. Addressing this topic will, therefore, advance the knowledge regarding the techniques that sex traffickers use and the vulnerable population. On the same note, addressing this topic will shed light on the issue of sex trafficking within a global scope and the various actions that can be taken through international cooperation against the perpetrators of this heinous crime.
How I will defend my thesis
In addressing this topic, I will defend my thesis statement with evidence from published resources that are accessible both through the internet and the school library. Sex trafficking is a well-researched topic and several scholars have written many articles on the growing trend, how it is perpetrated and the various actions that can be taken both locally and within an international level to combat the crime. In this case, I will use peer-reviewed sources to back my arguments on the issue of sex trafficking and its corresponding ramification. I will utilize JSTOR digital library to search and locate relevant sources relating to the sex trafficking within a global scope.
Alexis A. Aronowitz, Human trafficking: a reference handbook (2017).
Annie Evalyn. McMurray, Sex trafficking: a cumulative study (2016).
Cristina Jean. Shepherd, Sex trafficking: the Egyptian governments international legal obligations to trafficking victims and the new anti-trafficking legislation(2009).
Domestic minor sex trafficking: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C, (2010).
Jeff V. Higgins & Christopher M. Brady, Child sex trafficking in the United States(2012).
Marie Segrave, Sanja Milivojevic & Sharon Pickering, Sex trafficking: international context and response (2014).
Marie Therese Segrave, Sanja Milivojevic & Sharon Pickering, Sex trafficking and modern slavery: the absence of evidence (2018).
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In this class, you are writing a paper to focus on an International Law topic of your choice and to help you prepare for the Capstone.
In order to help you prepare for your Capstone, here is very specific guidance for your paper in this class (this is the only guidance you will follow):
1. Your paper will be 10 full pages, including footnotes. Not 9, not 11. Why 10 pages, you ask? It is actually harder to write a 10 page paper than it is to write a 15 or 20 page paper. You must be clear and avoid the filler that is often contained in longer papers. What is filler? Filler is extra “stuff” that just fills pages but adds little or no value to your paper.
2. Introduction (10%): Your introduction will not be longer than two pages.
3. Thesis Statement: (10%): Immediately after your introduction, you must present a clear thesis statement. In simplistic terms, a thesis statement is the main point of your paper that tells the reader what you intend to argue later in your paper. Word your thesis statement, as follows: “My thesis statement is . . . .” The thesis statement should not be longer than two sentences, and normally one is sufficient.
4. Road Map (5%): Immediately after your thesis statement, you must provide a clear road map to let the reader know where you are going with your paper. Word your road map, as follows: “My paper will first briefly explore . . . , followed by . . . . Finally I will defend my thesis by . . . .“ Your road map should be only a few sentences, but it must be clear.
5. Background (10%): Next, provide a brief but clear background of your topic. This may only be one page or less.
6. Argument/Defending Your Thesis (50%): Now you are at the meat of the paper, defending your thesis statement. This must be at least five full pages, and you must use your research to defend your thesis. This is the hardest part of your paper, and this is where you need to focus your time and energy. Why? This is where students fail in their Capstone theses (I don’t mean literally fail, but they lose a lot of points). Students either present poor arguments or they present no arguments at all. You will present clear arguments, supported by your research, to defend your thesis. Last three points in this area — (1) Conclusory statements must be supported with your research; (2) Do not use provoking language which amounts to merely an opinion, such as: “Those who support capital punishment are idiots.” (This actually came from a student); and (3) You need to fill in glaring gaps. For example, one student’s entire thesis argued that the separation of church and state clause in the Constitution was misinterpreted by the Supreme Court and that religion should be in schools, government, etc. The glaring gap was, given the student’s arguments, what did the separation clause mean? This was not addressed.
7. Conclusion (5%): Conclude your paper in one page or less.
Finally, a few other points:
1. Grade: The grading rubric for each section of your paper is highlighted above (in yellow). As you can see, 50% of your paper is the argument section, which is why I say it is your main focus.
2. References/Proper Use of The Bluebook (10%): You must use a minimum of 7 scholarly references that will be footnoted (per The Bluebook) on the page where you use the reference. You may use a reference more than once, but it still only counts as 1 of the 7. Scholarly references are not Wikipedia, blogs, or crazy websites.
3. Formatting: Double space your paper and use a 12 point, Times New Roman font. No title page, no endnotes, and no bibliography/reference page. You will be using Bluebook footnotes only. Please make sure to put your name and student id at the top of your paper.