To V Or Not To V

To V or Not to V


Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.

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Professional Communications and Writing Guide.

In this unit, you are introduced to personality tests and issues with their development and use. One particular area of debate involves the inclusion of validity scales in tests of personality. While many concerns may exist, the use of such scales appears to be increasing and they continue to be utilized and interpreted.

For this discussion:

Analyze how validity in psychometrics, as you explored in Unit 4, is different from a validity scale in a test of personality. Describe this difference in terms of their definitions. Provide at least two examples of validity scales.

Integrate and cite the AERA standards from Chapter 10, “Psychological Testing and Assessment,” of your Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing text that directly address validity scales. Provide your interpretation of the standards and the use of validity scales. Do the standards permit, reject, or provide guidance on integrating such scales in a report? In your own words, state how one should, or should not, proceed with validity scales.

Cite at least one advantage and one disadvantage regarding the use of validity scales. The test authors provide several pros and cons of using validity scales in personality assessment. Based on your readings, including preparation for this discussion, what is your position on this issue; that is, using and interpreting validity scales on a measure of personality?

When you post this discussion, change your subject line to Use, or Don’t Use.

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