professional ethics statement an ethical soul

Professional Ethics Statement: An Ethical Soul

By Saturday of this week, dsubmit a two-page, well-reasoned argument or narrative about the nature of your core ethical self (i.e., soul). Include insights from your study of Parker Palmer (2004), Albert Borgmann (2006), Dallas Willard (2006), and course materials. Include an analysis of the places in which you see the soul being disposed to unethical activities as well as ethical flourishing.

Consider these three quotes as you craft your reflection:

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  • Soul is here defined as the hidden or “spiritual” side of the person. It includes an individual’s thoughts and feelings, along with heart or will, with its intents and choices. It also includes an individual’s bodily life and social relations, which, in their inner meaning and nature, are just as “hidden’” as the thoughts and feelings. (Willard, 2006, para. 2)
  • Aristotle’s first proposition says: “The soul is the form of the body”; the second says: “The soul is somehow everything.” Together these two principles provide a fair definition of the human condition. The vital force of a human being has a material center and a potentially all-encompassing comprehension of reality. The material focal point is first of all the human body, but then also the shelter that houses body and soul. As Kent Bloomer and Charles Moore have it, “at its beginning all architecture derived from this body-centered sense of space and place.” The cluster of habitats, the village, is one of the typical ways ancient human cultures marked their place in the world. So to mark and occupy a focal area of nearness is inhabitation. (Borgmann, 2006, p. 113)
  • All of the great spiritual traditions want to awaken us to the fact that we co-create the reality in which we live. And all of them ask two questions intended to help keep us awake: What are we sending from within ourselves out into the world, and what impact is it having “out there”? What is the world sending back at us, and what impact is it having “in here”? We are continually engaged in the evolution of self and world—and we have the power to choose, moment by moment, between that which gives life and that which deals death. (Palmer, 2004, p. 48)

Use APA format on your paper. Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Use the same Final Form Profession Ethics Statement – APA Style Formatted Template that you used to submit the Weeks 1‒3 Professional Ethics Statements. You will have a growing, single document that is developing into the Week 7 Final Form Professional Ethics Statement.

Click here for information on course rubrics.


Borgmann, A. (2006). Real American ethics: Taking responsibility for our country [eBook]. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Retrieved from…

Palmer, P. J. (2004). A hidden wholeness: The journey toward an undivided life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Willard, D. (2006). Personal soul care. In The Great Omission (pp. 122‒136). Kansas City, KS: Beacon Hill Press. Retrieved from…

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