
Deliverable length: 300–600 words

Course Objectives:

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  • How federal, state and local governmental agencies are involved in regulating the hospitality industry.
  • Analyze the roles of federal, state and governmental agencies that regulate the hospitality industry.


To receive full credit for this Discussion Forum assignment and to facilitate an academic discussion, the following 3 parts need to be completed:

  1. Primary Task Response: Must be posted in the forum 5 days prior to the Part 3 due date.
  2. Peer Response: Must be posted 2 days prior to Part 3 due date.
  3. Summary Response: Must be posted by due date listed in assignment list.

Part 1: Primary Task

Within the Discussion Forum area, write at least 300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

According to your text, regulatory agencies create administrative regulations. This grant of power gives the agency power in a specific area. Discuss the following:

  • Select 1 federal agency and 1 state or local agency that has an impact on the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss the role of each agency that you selected, and consider how it impacts the hospitality industry.
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