Heart Attack

You are required to write a critical analysis of the disease of your choice.

Included in this analysis, you will need to explain how the disease you chose

affects the various body systems where relevant.

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The following relevant and concise information must (if pertinent) be included in your write up.

▪ Name of disease

▪ History of the disease

▪ Description of disease

Anatomy of the system(s) involved

▪ Effects on other body systems

▪ Cause of disease

▪ Signs and symptoms

▪ Diagnosis of the disease

▪ Complications, if any

▪ Treatment and side effects

Conclusion should include the following:

▪ Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact the

▪ disease.

▪ Prevention strategies if any

▪ Your insight / opinion

NOTE: you must focus on the anatomy & physiology of the disease/disorder. Cover the normal anatomy & physiology of the organ system affected and then state what the disease/disorder does to this organ system, and other organ systems. In other words, if you are picking tuberculosis, I do not want you to go too much in detail about the bacteria that causes it but how the bacteria escape our body’s defenses and what the bacteria do to the lungs, bones, etc.

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