Here is the list of websites. If your field of study is not listed here, or if you do not find an article in one of these websites you wish to use, visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook and locate a different professional website that you find more interesting or relevant to you and your field of study. You may use the same article you used in your Unit 2 Assignment or select a different article. Read the article and apply what you have learned about appropriate language and writing personal documents to complete the following Assignment:
Imagine that you have created a blog where you post about various issues important to you and your friends and others studying in your field. Write a 1 – 1 and 1/2 page double spaced blog post that educates your audience about an issue that the article you selected raises. Make sure you provide your audience with the author’s name, title and a link to the article as well as a summary of relevant information from the article, but go beyond summary. Add to what the author says in some way (one way to do that is to disagree, or engage in debate, or explore a point further than it is addressed in the article), and be sure that you make clear to your audience why the issue you are informing them about is relevant to them in some way. For example, if you have a family member with a disease like diabetes, you might want to write a blog post explaining what you have learned about the importance of a healthy diet.
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