Develop A Stress Prevention Or A Reduction Program For A Specific Population

There are many online prevention programs for children who are living in stressful situations. One of those was a web-based program presented by Boring et al. (2015). There are other programs as well, such as the eight-session program provided by Lester et al. (2013). For this assignment, you are expected to develop a face-to-face, six-session program. While you may adapt elements from published programs including those listed above, you are expected to develop your own program. The more concise your audience is, the more defined your program will be. For example, you may choose a specific age range to develop your program, like teenagers. For this assignment, you are going to select a specific age, gender, ethnic group, or occupation to create a six-session program to develop and enhance selected coping skills and reduce stress. You will be providing a short handout for the participants in your program incorporating the coping skills on which you are focused. The goal is to incorporate much of the information you have learned in the course so that you will be able to provide definitions, problem- and emotional-focused coping techniques, and desired outcomes. For this assignment, you need to present an annotated outline and a handout. The annotated outline must include the steps/techniques of your program and cited sources supporting the use of the selected techniques. If for example, you chose to adapt relaxation as a technique from the Boring et al. protocol, you would need to cite support for the efficacy of each of the techniques including teaching relaxation and positive cognitive restructuring. The handout must provide participants with definitions and techniques they can use when they get home. They must be written at a level appropriate for your target population. The handout should be visually attractive and organized well.

 Length: 1-2 page annotated outline and a 2-3-page handout for participants

 Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

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