Community Health Promotion Tool

Resources: Internet, University Library, and Human Diseases (4th ed.)

Imagine you are creating a community health promotion resource that addresses a cardiovascular subject of your choosing. You are creating this tool for a segmented population of health care consumers.

Create an informational tool (350 to 700 words) in the form of one of the following:

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  • Podcast
  • Summary
  • News transcript
  • Brochure/pamphlet
  • Video
  • Interview
  • Other option approved by your instructor

Include the following in your resource:

  • Identify the disease or subject of focus.
  • Identify the population.
  • Focus your information on the specific cultural beliefs of the population that you have chosen and how treatment and management of the disease might be affected by these aspects.
  • Explain how this disease and the management of it affect resources in society.
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