
1- Which leadership theory tends to be the most “memorable” for us when dealing with a manager/leader who practices this?

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2- Subordinates are often apathetic or discouraged about the work, unless a leader

Select one:

3- Which is an intervening variable in the Multiple Linkage Model?

Select one:

4- A high LPC leader is:

Select one:

5- An early theory on Charisma indicates:

Select one:

6-The following are all consequences of charisma (Dark side of charisma), except?

Select one:

7-An inspiring vision of an organization must include strong ideological content that appeals to the organizations members’ shared values and ideals concerning customers, employees, and ______?

Select one:

8-According to Path-Goal theory, directive leadership is most effective when:

Select one:

9-Transformational Behaviors, include:

Select one:

10-Which is not a research method for assessing the theories?

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