Capstone Project
Question description
Structure and Design of the Capstone Proposal and Project
The design of the proposal and project depends upon the topic and methods for measurement. The project and proposal will use evidence from the literature and a quality framework to organize the presentation. A nursing theory and/or change theory should be applied within the project. The role of the CNL is to be considered in both the proposal and the project.
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The written (Word) and verbal proposal (PowerPoint) will share the following information headers presented using APA format to the degree possible. The grading rubric is indicated for each area of the proposal as a % of 100 points:
1. Cover page (APA format) – 5%
2. The title and topic to be addressed – 10%
3. The goals of the project to be undertaken – 10%
4. The methodology (processes) to be utilized – 30%
– Why, what, where, when, who, costs, and how?
-Applicable change theory or other nursing or quality theory (at least one).
- –Literature Search is described briefly. Library orientation is a requirement in the first CNL Roles course. If students need a refresher they can request help from the UTMB library at any time.
–Role of the CNL in the project. Is it appropriate for the CNL and what CNL roles fit in the project?
5. The student’s anticipated outcome(s) – 25%
6. The Capstone Committee members – 5%
7. Initial References (in APA format) – 15%
Length – Not to exceed 4 Word processed pages, not including title page or references.
It is suggested that you prepare an outline, for your own use, for a brief oral presentation of the Capstone Proposal to the Capstone Committee and to class CNL peers in a Skype Session(s).
The PowerPoint presentation should be able to be easily converted to a poster presentation for internal or external organization meetings or conferences.
Structure and Design of the Capstone Project – Immersion II GNRS
The following elements are required for the Capstone Project and are completed over two semesters and submitted one week prior to 7th semester ending date – see schedule. These components serve as key areas for the project grading rubric indicated by % of 100 points.
Submit the project using APA guidelines for an APA manuscript. Follow the directions in the Sixth Edition, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to include:
1. Title and Running Head (APA 2.01) – 2%
2. Author’s Name and Institutional Affiliation (APA 2.02) – 2%
3. Authors Acknowledgement – optional (APA 2.03) – 2%
4. Person to Contact (APA 2.03) – 2%
5. Abstract (APA 2.04). Note: Abstract is completed only after the project and paper is completed. 10%
6. Introduction (APA 2.05) (what and why?) 5%
7. Headings this section depends upon how much material you have and can it be sorted into headings (APA 3.03) – 2%
8. Method(s) (APA 2.06) – Literature Search (6%), Setting (2%), Time (2%), Sampling Procedure – 2% (what), Sampling subjects (who) – 2%, Sample Size or N (how many) – 2%, and Design, Measures, Theory ( 9%) – for a total of 25%.
9. Applies theories from nursing and/or for change. 10%
10. CNL Role Application – 10%
11. Results and Outcomes (APA 2.07) – 15%
12. Discussion (APA 2.08) – 5%
13. References (APA 2.11) – 5%
14. Copyright Permissions – optional. Use if planning to submit for publication (APA 2.12) -0%.
15. Appendices (optional) – carefully read this section and use your judgment on best placements for graphs, charts, pictures, etc. (APA 3.03) – 5%
Use the APA Sample Papers to assist you, found on page 41 of the APA Manual.
All papers are submitted to the course/module assignment drop box. See course schedule. If you use a MAC be sure that you have allowed time for any conversions or computer glitches. Contact the media analyst with a concern.
Due dates for the paper and presentation – see the specific course schedule.
Grading Criteria
1. Note the required sections for the paper and the percentages that apply – if you miss a section that many points are deducted from the paper. For example, if you fail to use and/or apply a theory you will lose 10%.
2. Be Concise – 2 points off for each page you exceed the page number requirement. Page requirements never include the cover page or the references or attachments. Presenting and writing information in a succinct and focused way is an essential writing skill. No one in health care leadership has time to read through large and wordy reports or proposals.
3. Informative – tell something of substance about the topic learned from the literature search.
4. Uses the language of quality improvement, evidence-based practice (EBP) or research. Use at least 5 EBP or quality terms. Grammar and Spelling Accuracy (always spell check) – 1 point of the paper grade for each grammar and spelling error.
5. Incorporate theories learned earlier and/or change theories as appropriate (10%).
6. Logically incorporate comments on CNL Role and /or competencies you are developing within the topic. 10% of the paper grade.
7. You are advised to have someone read and edit your paper. Also use spellcheck every time you make additions or edits.
Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentations
Highest Score = 100%
– Presents the Learning – Do Not Read the Slides Look Up and Talk to the Audience 10 %
– Content 60%
– Slides are consistently formatted – same size, font, style and color throughout. It is about quality, not
quantity. 10%
– All Slides are legible at 20 feet (less type per slide). 10%
Do not use a slide that is unreadable unless it shows a sample page of something.
Do not say, “ I know you can’t read this”. Enlarge it up and take screen shots to make it readable.
Remember if it’s worth including we should be able to read it. Be careful about raw data, it is usually
too much. Show the results, or outcomes.
– Graphs are correctly labeled on the X and Y axis with a title for the legible graph. 10%
FILES ATTACHED INCLUDING PROJECT DATA, MUST INCLUDE AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. there is a project DRAFT attached which can be modified to completethe project