Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

As  part of your Doctoral Seminar for this set of weeks, you are     participating in a seminar-style discussion about the weekly topics. You must address 5  of the attached Dissertations in the prescribed format. As a related exercise, submit an annotated  bibliography of the 5 resources you referred to this week. For each dissertation entry, be sure to include the full APA citation and address the following :

1. Scope

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2. Purpose

3. Philosophical Approach

4. Underlying Assumptions

5. Research

6. Limitations

7. Opportunities for further inquiry

8. Validity of use

General Topic: Sustainability and Community participation

Dissertation Resources:

Ananga, E. O. (2015). The role of community participation in water production and management: Lessons from sustainable aid in Africa international sponsored water schemes in Kisumu, Kenya (Order No. 3733847). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1737850915). Retrieved from

Arata, H. L. (2016). When public participation isn’t enough: Community resilience and the failure of colorblind environmental justice policies (Order No. 10191291). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1859517941). Retrieved from

Mazzurco, A. (2016). Methods to facilitate community participation in humanitarian engineering projects: Laying the foundation for a learning platform (Order No. 10172873). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1833187345). Retrieved from

Godana, G. D. (2014). The rhetoric of community participation: NGOs’ discourses and deliberative practices with communities in Ethiopia (Order No. 3666194). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1640889019). Retrieved from

Barclay, N. (2016). The role of community participation for green stormwater infrastructure development (Order No. 10152046). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1835116804). Retrieved from

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