Alzheimer-Related Disabilities

Alzheimer-Related Disabilities

This assignment will help you understand the disabilities that are caused due to Alzheimer’s disease.

Ellen is a 64-year-old Chinese American, who has recently been  diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. She has been working  steadily as a secretary but recently due to the disease has found it  harder to perform her duties. She has worked for 34 years. She has  recently become widowed and has two adult kids who live in the same area  as her. But they rarely agree on how to provide care for her. Ellen has  asked her children to help her navigate her decision to retire.

Based on the above scenario, create a 5- to 6-page report in a  Microsoft Word document that describe the issues that Ellen and her  children need to address regarding:

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  • Ellen’s retirement
  • Ellen’s future health care plans
  • Ellen’s housing
  • Ellen’s financial situation
  • Ellen’s ability to perform her job effectively
  • The disease progression and its effect on her activities of daily living (ADL)
  • Advanced directives
  • Funeral plans
  • Social supports available to Ellen
  • Role her culture may play on her family’s decision

Submission Details

  • Support your answers with appropriate research and reasoning
  • Cite any sources in APA format
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